Parallax Propeller Multiple Serial Ports카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 00:59
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Parallax Propeller Multiple Serial Ports
The FLiR Dev Kit includes a breakout as well as a Lepton® longwave infrared (LWIR) imager. With this kit you will be able to bring FLiR’s thermal imaging reliability and power to your Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or any ARM based development tool all in an easy to access breadboard friendly package. All you need to do to get this kit set up, simply attach the Lepton® imager module into the provided breakout, connect the headers, and you will be seeing in full darkness in no time! The Lepton® LWIR module included in each FLiR Dev Kit acts as a sort of camera and packs a resolution of 80 × 60 pixels into a camera body that is smaller than a dime and captures infrared radiation input in its nominal response wavelength band (from 8 to 14 microns) and outputs a uniform thermal image.
Meanwhile, each breakout board in these kits provides the socket for the Lepton®, power supply’s, 25Mhz Crystal Oscillator, 100 mil header for use in a breadboard or wiring to any host system. A few things to consider about this kit: the breakout board will accept a 3-5V input and regulate it to what the Lepton® wants, to read an image from the lepton module all you need is an SPI port, and to configure the camera settings you also need an I 2C port, although this is not required.
Note: This kit comes in two separate parts and will need to be assembled once received. The Lepton® module is extremely sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). When inserting it into the breakout board be sure to use proper personal grounding, such as a grounding wrist strap, to prevent damage the module.
Breakout Board Dimensions The FLiR Lepton’s Breakout Board Dimensions are: width = 25.11 mm length = 24.10 mm length (with pins) = 30.21 mm depth (not including pins) = 11.20mm Here is an image of the dimensions: Heat Signatures through Clear Acrylic? We tested a case out using a clear acrylic, FLiR attached to Raspberry Pi, and a Peltier Cooler. The FLiR sensor will not be able to see any heat signatures behind the acrylic.
However, if you are heating the acrylic material sufficiently (like we did with the hot side of a Peltier Cooler), this will transfer heat to the other side facing the FLiR sensor. The FLiR sensor will pick up the heat as soon as enough heat has been transferred to the other side. Changing Window Size If you want to change the window size, follow these instructions = in order to change the /LeptonModule-master/raspberrypivideo/main.cpp file in lines 21, 36, and 41: myWidget - setGeometry(400, 300, 340, 290);. MyLabel.setGeometry(10, 10, 320, 240);. Button1-setGeometry(320/2-50, 290-35, 100, 30); to 2.5x the size of the original: myWidget - setGeometry(100, 100, 850, 725); // window position coordinates, video pixel size. MyLabel.setGeometry(10, 10, 850, 600); //., pixel size of the image.
Button1-setGeometry(850/2-50, 725-35, 100, 30); // button position coordinates. The window was bigger but the image was still pixelated after re-making the files and opening the program. Update in GitHub Repository has Changed the “leptonSDKEmb32PUB” directory It looks like the directories have changed for the leptonSDKEmb32PUB folder so this tutorial is slightly outdated. You will need to go to the directory “ /downloads/LeptonModule-master/software/raspberrypilibs/leptonSDKEmb32PUB” in order to make the files. Once you go to the “ /raspberrypivideo” directory, you would still use the qmake && make command to make the executable. Arduino and FLiR Lepton SparkFun has only tested the FLiR Lepton with the Raspberry Pi.
The documentation linked in the product page for the FLiR Lepton module has some example code for an Arduino =. The note under the GitHub repository by “Pure Engineering” states that: This example shows how to read the i2c ports using an Arduino. Note that most Arduino hardware does not have enough memory to buffer the thermal image.
80602 = 9600 bytes. Some of the Arm based units will work. Based on this information, we do not believe that the Arduino Uno with the Atmega328P microcontroller is powerful enough to stream a thermal image like the Raspberry Pi example. This is due to a limitation of the ATmega328P microcontroller and the FLiR Lepton’s requirements , and. You can probably get it working with an ARM based microcontroller (like the STM32 microcontroller listed in the GitHub example code or an Arduino Due) or a single board computer (like the Raspberry Pi, BBB, etc).
Doing a search online, it looks like someone was able to get an Arduino Due to work using the FLiR Lepton camera and MatLab. The Arduino Due code processes the data from the FLiR Lepton and passes it to your serial terminal. To view the thermal images, you would need to take that data and display it using MatLab. This seems pretty tedious. We recommend using a Raspberry Pi, which is more reliable compared to using it with the Arduino Due. Additional Resources Here is a good link for setting up the RPi2 with the FLIR, and the RPI2 workaround for ‘red box’ This is “The Frank solution”. It’s the widely accepted and Pure endorsed fix for the “red box” error on Rpi1 (b+&b) Here is a monster sized guide for tweaking and tuning your FLIR.
Although the Seek has higher pixel resolution, the noise is higher, and they peg the displayed temp range quite wide to hide the noise, making it less sensitive to small heat changes than the Lepton. Note how Seek don’t publish a spec for resolution. Lepton has a simple, documented interface, and all the processing is built in. They avoid the need for a shutter by clever processing based on the assumption that the scene is moving. You would need a shutter if the sensor is stationary, or you want to measure absolute temperature.